L’enforcement Amministrativo del diritto d’autore: il Regolamento AGCOM di Carlo A.M. Corazzini e Valerio Mosca La digitalizzazione e circolazione di contenuti e opere protette pone rilevanti questioni nel mercato dei servizi media che, in termini economici, in Italia cuba circa 14,5 miliardi di euro[1]. Infatti, la semplicità e qualità del processo di riproduzione di opere digitali se, da un lato,…
An (extra)ordinary decision: the U.S. Microsoft Case di Rubén Cano Pérez This Articles has the purpose to analyse and put some light on the long awaited US Supreme Court Microsoft case Decision. As technology evolves, jurisdiction problems arise. Regardless of the juris-dictioapproach adopted, there is a lesson to be learned from internet ubiquity: the internet is (yet) ownerless. The classic…
Jurisdictional issues on the Internet: national values and territoriality in a world without borders
Jurisdictional issues on the Internet: national values and territoriality in a world without borders di Mirta Cavallo «Governments of the Industrial World, you weary giants of flesh and steel. […]. You have no moral right to rule us nor you do possess any methods of enforcement we have true reason to fear. […] Cyberspace does not lie within your…