Internet governance: the evolution of theories of governing cyberspace by Mirta Cavallo The Internet, with its dynamic and propulsive nature, has had a revolutionary impact on our society. Inter alia, it has changed the landscape of regulation and political communication. If one looks at cyberspace from what Orin Kerr calls an internal perspective, it appears that emails, tweets, videos and…
Il demiurgo di Internet, dalla creazione all’attuale governance Il ruolo di ICANN nell’amministrazione della rete di Sara Corsi Come è nato Internet ? All’inizio della guerra fredda, il governo degli Stati Uniti commissionò ad alcune università americane dei progetti di ricerca per supportare tecnologicamente le operazioni militari. Nel 1969, l’ARPA (Advanced Research Projects Agency) sviluppò un canale comunicativo tra le…
Jurisdictional issues on the Internet: national values and territoriality in a world without borders
Jurisdictional issues on the Internet: national values and territoriality in a world without borders di Mirta Cavallo «Governments of the Industrial World, you weary giants of flesh and steel. […]. You have no moral right to rule us nor you do possess any methods of enforcement we have true reason to fear. […] Cyberspace does not lie within your…