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Andrea Moriggi

La discriminazione IBAN: inquadramento e rimedi

La discriminazione IBAN: inquadramento e rimedi “Discriminare” conti aperti con neobanks con licenza estera è illecito. Oltre 2 milioni di Euro di sanzioni irrogate dell’AGCM nel 2019. di Andrea Moriggi Se una società, un datore di lavoro, un commerciante o un fornitore di servizi si rifiuta di attivare una domiciliazione oppure eseguire un bonifico sul tuo conto poiché estero, ma…

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Riconoscimento facciale e privacy: tra dati biometrici e consenso.

Riconoscimento facciale: tra dati biometrici e consenso. Ecco cosa abbiamo chiesto all'ex Garante Privacy, prof. Pizzetti di Andrea Moriggi Una proposta in discussione a San Francisco, la "Stop Secret Surveillance Ordennance" (qui il testo integrale) intende vietare per la prima volta in nord America l'utilizzo di tecnologie di riconoscimento facciale volte a sorvegliare ed identificare i cittadini. E stavolta non si...
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Legal risks of cloud services

The legal risks of cloud services by Andrea Moriggi Introduction Cloud computing is a skyrocketing business. It has become crucial for companies to reduce costs, improve network and storage security, and offer a wide range of services with relatively limited resources. It is no secret that large corporations such as Microsoft and Amazon[1] for instance, have completely redefined their business…

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Taxation of income generated by cross-border digital transactions

Taxation of income generated by cross-border digital transactions by Andrea Moriggi Summary: Introduction: The e-commerce market. – 1. Legal framework. – 2 The OECD Model. – 3. Types of transactions: business profits or royalties? – 4. Problems related to the Taxation of Digital Transactions – 5. Conclusion Introduction: The e-commerce market “It is difficult to apply the existing rules to the…

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Trademark Protection of Architectural Works in the Digital Era. The U.S. Approach

Trademark Protection of Architectural Works in the Digital Era. The U.S. Approach di Andrea Moriggi Summary Introduction. – 1. Trademarks and the evolution of architectural works protection in the digital age. – 2. Architectural works trademark in videogames: the E.S.S. Entertainment 2000 v. RockStar Games case. – Conclusion. Introduction Videogames are a multi-billion-dollar industry in the global market[1], taking the…

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